Friday, April 18, 2008

Election Opportunities

Not everyone can vote, but everyone can help! "I can't vote yet" is no excuse to not be involved in this year's election. Candidates love to see young volunteers. Not really sure which candidate you support? Even better! Getting involved with their campaigns will help you learn exactly where they stand on certain issues. (and how they treat their volunteers could help you decide as well!) The presidential election isn't your only option this year; you can help out with campaigns for local offices like state representative and county council members. Teens, now is the time to get involved with politics and pay attention to what is happening in our goverenment. Even though we don't get to cast a vote this time around, must of us will during the next election. So go get involved!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


I was watching the news today, and saw a special that featured the Gaffney, SC soup kitchen. It is said that they need volunteers to help run the kitchen in order to stay open. This kitchen helps many people in need and if you live near the Gaffney area, I encourage you to get involved. If you do not live near Gaffney you can still volunteer with your local soup kitchen, they are always in need of help and grateful to all of their volunteers.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Summer Ends

I know everyone has had a busy summer, and probably may not have had many opportunities to volunteer. Here is a way to catch up on your "missed hours." Since we are only a week or two away from school starting back, teachers are setting up their classrooms. THEY NEED HELP!!! If you called your school and asked if you could help, you won get turned down. There are many things you can do to help. Teachers need help decorating their room, organizing locks and lockers, and putting together paperwork for the year ahead. Not only will you get community service hours by doing this, you will probably win favor with your teachers! So this is a great way to involved while there is still a little bit of summer left!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Working With Those With Special Needs

My mother is a special needs teacher. Ever since I was a young girl I have helped volunteer at various events such as the Greenville County Special Olympics. This year the Greenville Olympics were held in April, however there are still ways to help. There are many fund-raising activities that you can help out with. Just check out to find out more information about all of the opportunities to serve. Also, if you live in Greenville County, we have the Washington Center for Special Needs. The Washington Center "provides opportunities for students to explore and develop potential for independent functioning and community involvement by addressing students' individual needs and creating a partnership with home, school, and community." This is a great place to volunteer. They have a summer program called "extended school year for special needs in Greenville County" students arrive at Washington Center at eight in the morning and stay until eleven. There are many different classes and each teacher could use some help so if you would like check out

Monday, June 11, 2007

Kelsey's Army

I am sure if you have been watching the news lately you have seen the tragic story of Kelsey Smith. This is a huge time of need for Kelsey's family. And as I have said before, giving your money and prayer support is just as good as giving your time. If you would like to get information on offering help and much needed support to Kelsey's family please visit